Briefwisseling en aantekeningen. Deel 1
(1934)–Willem Bentinck–
[pagina 185]
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The Prince and Princess of Orange are both very well. The Princess prodigiously bigGa naar voetnoot1); and I assure you that her inexhaustible fund of spirits and of chearfullness is very necessary at present; for her burden begins to be very troublesome; and I have seen her once or twice shifting every minute the posture she sat or stood in, so that one could see she was very uneasy, tho' she keeps up always her courage and spirits...... I am very glad that my visits to Soesdyk are agreeable in England, for I have a very great affection for the Royal family, and a very disinterested one. For it consists only in good wishes and a disposition to do all I can to shew my good will. I beg to know of you all the particulars you or Sis. Kent can scrape up about Lord SandwichGa naar voetnoot2) and his personal character, qualitys etc. |