Briefwisseling en aantekeningen. Deel 1
(1934)–Willem Bentinck–
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Den Haag, 16 Mei 1747.......I long much to hear news from England about my boys. And this consideration had like to have hinder'd me accepting the proposal the Prince of Orange made me of going with him to Zealand, where his presence is necessary for a few days, to settle what is required for the defence of that country, in case of attack, but above all to shew himself, and to take possession of the Stadholdership of that Province, since the common people will not believe that he is stadholder, till they have seen him. I reckon in less than eight days to be back again; the Prince's presence being full as necessary here, and as earnestly required. I have many good reasons to attend the Prince in this voyage, and the only objection I had was the uneasyness about my sons, and the farther distance from news of themGa naar voetnoot1). (P.S.) It fell to Charles's lot and to mine to be charged with the ceremony of the reception of the Prince of Orange in the States General, and his introduction in the Councel of State. Charles was president yesterday for the first time. I was very uneasy for him. But he was well prepared and informed, and behaved with great decency and dignity. As to the Prince of Orange, he surpassed every body's expectation; and the first impressions he made in the States of Holland, States General, and Councel of State, were so advantageous for him, that they will not easily be effaced. |