Briefwisseling en aantekeningen. Deel 2
(1976)–Willem Bentinck–Rotterdam, 21 augustus 1748As I have been informed that one mister FeytemaGa naar voetnoot1), a lawyer from Amsterdam, has been with the Prince and with you and I | |
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think myself obliged to acquaint you that I have not the best account of this gentleman's caracter, the person whom I had this information from even told me that Feytema was very well with some of the magistrates of Amsterdam. Be this true or not, having no reason to suspect the principles or views of the informer, I thought it my duty to communicate this to you from the motive of putting you upon your guard against the private machinations of the tyrants of AmsterdamGa naar voetnoot2). If I err, you will forgive me, as my views are honest. Mister De Groot asked me and desired to ask you, whom he is to apply to for the payment of the money that he has given Van der Meer etc. by H.H. ordersGa naar voetnoot3). Van der Meer has, I can assure you, done more good at Amsterdam than anybody that I know, and in my opinion c'est le meilleur outil que je connoisse. If you do not go away soon or that you will appoint, where and when I might meet you upon the road, I should be glad to see you before you go to Aix and to take your advice upon some things that are going forward here. I see that some malicious people have a mind to disturbe the rest of this city. Twenty articles have been drawn up as having been proposed by the town krygsraad. Our friendsGa naar voetnoot4) have a declaration of the whole krygsraad that they have no hand in it: but I find, that by a mistaken zeal some people are hard att work to start new proposals which will perpetuate the disturbances and in my humble opinion when once the affair of posts and places is fixed, it will be necessary not to countenance any further demands, which if encouraged will raise new ones and retard the inward rest of this country. I will, as much as I can, trace the twenty new articlesGa naar voetnoot5) of this city, as I much suspect that | |
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they have been handed about by the old regents and if I can come att the truth I will immediately communicate it to you. Have you been so good to mention my sollicitations to lord Sandwich and has his lordship expressed his thinking them reasonableGa naar voetnoot6). |