Briefwisseling en aantekeningen. Deel 2
(1976)–Willem Bentinck–15 oktober 1748Ga naar voetnoot1)All I have to tell you is, that the gingerbread puppyGa naar voetnoot2) goes on the same way and that he not onely has done, what I told you in my last to revenge the fall of Erbervelt upon Van der Cruyff etc., but that last Saturday coming from The Hague, he sent Oudaan to the bookseller Van Royen, to advise him to go to the fiscal and declare, what he knew, if he would safe himself and family from ruin, and that by these means he might even hope to be rewarded. Van Royen answered him as he ought to do and this morning had by a deurwarder a summons to appear next ThursdayGa naar voetnoot3) before the fiscal. He has been with me and assures me that he has no hand in printing the SamenspraekGa naar voetnoot4) or any other pieces of that kind and as to the RefryntiesGa naar voetnoot5) he does not think, even if it were true, that it could hurt him. I have sent him to a able lawyer to take his advice, as I could not see the Prince. I have acquainted him of Van der Meer's vilany in the affair of Van Royen. About sixty peopleGa naar voetnoot6) have allready signed the petition of this city, which will next Saturday be ready to be presented. I hear that the people of TergowGa naar voetnoot7) have shut their gates yesterday morning | |
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upon a suspicion of some troops coming to them: they are busy att DortGa naar voetnoot8). |