Briefwisseling. Deel 4: 1644-1649
(1915)–Constantijn Huygens–4299. W. SwannGa naar voetnoot5). (L.B.)I doe heere send you some more papers from Doctor JhonsonGa naar voetnoot6) which newly are come out of the presse, and of the rest you shall not fayle of, as soone as ever they shall come to my hands. Doctor Jhonson is your most humbel servant and will come to kisse your hands befhore his going to Breda. As for Mis OgleGa naar voetnoot7), I have put her into such a longing to see you and yours, especially to bee acquaintet with your new begotten one, that I beginne to suspect, there may bee somethinge more in it then there is in much adoe about nothing. Sir, yesterday wee have bin in our devotions with Confitebor tibi DomineGa naar voetnoot8), etc. and Domine, Deus meusGa naar voetnoot9), and that in the presence of one Mr. Northget, a great lover of musike and a verre good organist, who tells mee, [he] has bin twice or trice at your house in hoops to have presentet his humbel service unto you, and for want of other addresse has fayled of that happinesse. Sir, hee is one of the Kings servants, clarke of the signet office, and one of his Maytes heraults, and verre well knowen to Mr. Laynier, of whose arrivall wee heere doe long to heare, and so to meet with that harmoinye, which heere, I dare promise, is in us all, with one accord and voyce of beeing ..... Utreght, the 25 of March 1646. |