Briefwisseling. Deel 4: 1644-1649
(1915)–Constantijn Huygens–
[pagina 427]
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4668. D. StoeffkenGa naar voetnoot1). (B.M.)Al lang was ik van plan u in den Haag te bezoeken, maar was steeds verhinderd. Ik hoor, dat er bij u een brief uit Engeland is gekomen aan mijn adres; het is zeker een antwoord aangaande den harpenist. ‘I should gladly understand of his comminge over. The rumour about the court goes strongly of the princes breaking up before winter out of these parts, and it is credibly reportet, that his Highnys intends to give him a visit before his departure, and being for my part very desirous to remaine at lest this winter, if not longer, in Holland, I would be glad, it might bee so contreyved that his Hyghniss did request my person to waite on him this winterGa naar voetnoot2).’ |